Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Pictures 2010

Soooo.... I've been wanting to get Santa pictures for a few weeks now, and it has finally happened!
For the 30+ minutes that we stood in line Parker kept asking "Whats that???" "Whats that???" about Santa. PJ and I watched each child 1 by 1 go from smiling happy child to instant tears once they sat on Santa's lap. I thought for sure we would have a great experience and Parker would be his curious self......

This is the best shot we got.....

Parker is almost 20 months, and Delainey is 11 years old.
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

15 Months...... Already!~

I can't believe it has already been 15 months that we've been blessed with our son.
Parker was 15 months old on July 27th, and had his check up today.

26lbs 10oz (this is the 75th percentile) and 32 1/2 inches tall (this is the 80th percentile).

The doctor told us we had our "hands full"!
When he carried Parker on his lap to the other side of the room to see him run/walk. Parker went full speed until he ran into me. I thought the doctor was going to crack up laughing when he said "he doesn't stop until he runs into something does he?"
He is healthy and growing like a weed!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I absolutely can not believe that a whole year has gone by and Parker turned 1 this week.
Today we had a big 'ol birthday party planned for him that didn't necessarily turn out as per said plan. LOL!

The plans were set, the cake was decorated and sign was hung!

Birdie, Bogie, Hole-in-One.....
Little Pro Parker is turning ONE!

Another view of the main cake and Parkers personal "destroy" cake.
Our friend Melissa made these cakes, and not only were they super cool, they tasted GREAT!!

The sign says it all!

The precious birthday boy!

Big sister lookin' on!

Momma and her boy!

Yummmerrrsssss....... It is confetti cake!

Look at all these cool toys I got.

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Pat got to be in town for the celebration!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Playing in the Refrigerator!

Parker has recently found an interest in what is inside that big silver box in the kitchen!!!!

Hi Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oops...... I spilled the rice........

Just the first of many to come I'm sure!!!!

Easter 2010

Delainey was so excited to get dressed up in her new dress and shoes to go get pictures taken.

Delainey here snugglin' up with the Easter Bunny.

Here are both kids!

Parker had just woken up, so he wasn't as cranky as this picture looks!

Then comes the good stuff! The Easter basket loot!!

The white lamb is for Delainey stocked full with candy, clothes, DSi Games and yet more candy!! The Yellow duckling is for Parker with candy, and Parker size treats.

This rabbit set was so cute because it signified both kids!

And then we let parker loose with his basket and the goodies inside!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Month in Review - March 2010

I'm going to continue with the trend of reviewing the happenings of the month until I get caught up and get back into a regular groove of updating the blog.

March 8, 2010
Hittin' the Course

I have held on to this outfit thinking it was a 12month size and would be too big for Parker. Good thing I looked at the tag and he is getting a chance to wear it because it is actually a 9month outfit and is just SOOOO darn stinkin' cute.

He left the hat on just long enough for us to take the picture. :-)

March 18th
Recovering from the first real "ouch"

So, you'll notice by the picture, that Parker has a nice little mark and slight discoloration/bruising smack dab in the middle of his forehead.
Well, we experienced his first fall in the bonus room recently. He gave us a good scare because he didn't want to cry (once again). The doctor said he was going to be fine, and this probably wouldn't be his last fall!

Momma's boy!

March 20th
Playin' in the bath with Daddy

Parker and Daddy gettin' all cleaned up!

Parker LOVES to play in the water!

March 21st
Cruisin' the mall with the cute girl!

Jamie, Maisie, PJ, Delainey, Parker and I spent a few hours cruisin' Opry Mills mall today. Jamie is a GREAT friend with the cutest little munchkin Maisie who is 4 weeks younger than Parker. As they get older they interact with each other more and are so fun to watch. PJ and Delainey are usually not interested in the mall walkin, but today it was a family affair!

Parker Chillin' in the Stroller!

Maisie....... Cutie Patootie!

Stoppin by the LARGE fish tank at Bass Pro Shops

March 22nd
CiCi's Pizza Balloon Art

We LOVE a good bargain. especially with 2 kidlets now!
CiCi's Pizza has the $3.99 pizza buffet that is a STEAL. Darn it on us, because the soda is as much as the stinkin' buffet. Anyhow - this is an inexpensive treat out for us and Delainey really loves it!
The balloon art guy visited our table and proceeded to educate Delainey about how he'd paid for his college degree with the tips he earned twisting balloons.

Delainey had a monkey on a palm tree!

Parker wanted nothing to do with his Elmo balloon hat on his head!!

March 28th
Mobility = Freedom

Now that Parker is walking and can wander abou the house on his own, he definitely does that!
He was sitting in the office today going through his sisters books, then got bored with that and navigated to his room to play with toys!
Soooooo Cute!~
Parker reading Delainey's book

Hmmmm.... What does this do?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Month in Review - February 2010

Hello there - It seems like I've been SOOO busy lately, that I haven't had time (or made time) to update the blog nearly as frequently as I'd like to or should have. So I'm going to do a "Month in Review" to cover all the exciting stuff we've been up to.

February 2nd
 -- So my husband has said that I lost many of my brain cells when Parker was born. I disagree with him on a regular basis about this, but tonight I think he may be right.
I made dinner and we all went upstairs to eat in the bonus room. After a bit (meaning about an hour and a half or longer) we smelled something funky from downstairs.
Apparently I had forgotten about the tater tots i put in the oven and after a good bakin' they were good and done....

I just had to take a picture to document my lack of brain cells! LOL

Mmmmm.... Yummy.... Burnt Tater Tots!

February 4th
Delainey had a school project to do a "Plant Cell Model" but it needed to be something creative. I'm fairly creative, but couldn't think of anything other than helping her print things off the trusty internet and making a poster board.... BORING!!!!!!!!!!!  Good thing Gramma Vona came to the rescue with her creative senses!

Delainey and Gram used a light bright to create her plant cell model. It turned out very good. I put saran wrap over the top to keep all of the pieces in place during transport to and from school.
She did a very good job!

February 7th
Parker is trying soooo hard to walk on his own. He still uses the table for a little balance. Here are some cute pictures from this evening.

February 14th
Valentines Day 2010

We didn't do anything special except hang out with each other and the kids at the house!

February 15th.
Delainey reading to Parker
Delainey LOVES her brother..... she loves to read to him and play with him.

Delainey reading to Parker as he sits in his activity gym.

Delainey & Parker

February 22nd
Parker gets a new toybox

Delainey had 2 toyboxes that I got her many years ago in Seattle at IKEA. Neither of them were really used until recently. We painted 1 of them white with Delainey and put it in her room with her new bedroom set, and PJ and I painted the other one to go into Parkers room. It matches so good, and is great to have a place to put his toys!

He's not quite sure what it is or what he's supposed to do with it yet!!

February 26th
Fun with Friends

We had a couple friends over tonight for "Game Night". This was a BLAST! We love having friends over and entertaining. We had so much fun playing Apples to Apples that I personally have gotten hooked. I told PJ that I wanted us to try to host a Game Night once a month if at all possible.
One of our friends, Casey, thought it would be funny to play in Parker's car. . . . . the picture tells a thousand words! Awesome.

This was absolutely too funny. The best part was watching him try to get out of this! Keep in mind, Casey is a over 6' tall, so had his legs criss crossed in there!

Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Snowing ............. Again

Ok, so we've already experienced the big "snow storm" of 2010, but guess what. Its Snowing AGAIN!!
Here are some pictures we just took.

The snow on the back deck.....

We layed down our chairs so they didn't blow over in the wind and get damaged...

Another view of the back deck covered in snow...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oooohhhh Nooooooo.....

Ok, so Parker is nearing 9 months old, January 27th to be exact :-), though if you go by weeks he is 37 weeks old. Confusing I know!

He already has 7 teeth, with that 8th one sure to pop through any day. He has been crawling for a while now and is VERY daring when it comes to his walking. He holds on to things, but barely with one hand. We think before we know it he'll be off and runnin'!

Soo, the excitement of this post is what his newest feat is. He has successfully stood up in his highchair on his own.

He was eating dinner like any other night, with one leg up on the seat. He started rocking and before we knew it, he had managed to stand himself up! We were by his side the whole time, so he wasn't in any danger of falling, but we quickly realized how mobile and big he is getting! WOW! We no longer have an infant son, I think we are truly into the toddler stages....sort of! I don't want to rush things, but he is so funny to watch!

Reality check - can you believe he'll be a year old in 3 months?!?!? Wholy Cow!

Here are some pictures of his daredevil tactics this evening!

Just chillin' in my highchair!  I keep blinking whenever Daddy takes a picture.... ha ha

Hi Mom & Dad

Look at me!!! I'm standing my highchair!

And you thought I was fast and sneaky before!


Now I'm going to help with dishes by climbing in the dishwasher!