Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Snowing ............. Again

Ok, so we've already experienced the big "snow storm" of 2010, but guess what. Its Snowing AGAIN!!
Here are some pictures we just took.

The snow on the back deck.....

We layed down our chairs so they didn't blow over in the wind and get damaged...

Another view of the back deck covered in snow...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oooohhhh Nooooooo.....

Ok, so Parker is nearing 9 months old, January 27th to be exact :-), though if you go by weeks he is 37 weeks old. Confusing I know!

He already has 7 teeth, with that 8th one sure to pop through any day. He has been crawling for a while now and is VERY daring when it comes to his walking. He holds on to things, but barely with one hand. We think before we know it he'll be off and runnin'!

Soo, the excitement of this post is what his newest feat is. He has successfully stood up in his highchair on his own.

He was eating dinner like any other night, with one leg up on the seat. He started rocking and before we knew it, he had managed to stand himself up! We were by his side the whole time, so he wasn't in any danger of falling, but we quickly realized how mobile and big he is getting! WOW! We no longer have an infant son, I think we are truly into the toddler stages....sort of! I don't want to rush things, but he is so funny to watch!

Reality check - can you believe he'll be a year old in 3 months?!?!? Wholy Cow!

Here are some pictures of his daredevil tactics this evening!

Just chillin' in my highchair!  I keep blinking whenever Daddy takes a picture.... ha ha

Hi Mom & Dad

Look at me!!! I'm standing my highchair!

And you thought I was fast and sneaky before!


Now I'm going to help with dishes by climbing in the dishwasher!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Pictures

PJ and I take SO many pictures on either our cell phones or the camera, that I can't help just want to post them.

When gonig through the closet the other day I realized Parker has a few outfits that he needs to wear before he grows out of them.

PJ said that he remembers us buying this outfit when I was pregnant thinking he'd never fit in it! ha ha ha

All smiles getting ready for the day!

All snuggled up and ready to go to daycare!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Big Snow Storm of 2010

Soooo - Nashville was bracing for the "Big Snow Storm" of 2010.

Haaaa - being that the hubs is from Ohio, he thinks it is a joke when we brace for 1-3 inches. Everyone rushes to the store to buy milk, bread, water.....they literally sell out!

Schools Close --- BEFORE any snow hits the ground!

Here are some pictures of the snow on the ground on Thursday when the storm "hit", and today when we got the majority of the snow.

Thursday, Jan 7, 2010

And on Sunday, Jan 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Random Pictures

Delainey & Parker have been playing a lot with the new toys!
Here are just a few really cute pictures!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shhhhh... Its a Surprise!

I am so proud of myself! I successfully pulled off a Surprise Birthday Party for PJ this year!

Ya see, I had to do something extra special to make up for my froidian slip last year! I inadvertantly made a hair appointment for the night of PJs birthday last year and didn't get home until late. It WAS NOT intentional. It was a last minute (hey can you get me in this week?) type of thing, not something where i planned it by date!

So anyhow - I managed to get a group of friends to show up at the house for dinner, cake and good times, and also got him a gift that he had NO IDEA about!

We had a really great time!

~ Happy 31st Birthday PJ ~
 No pictures of the party, but some of Delainey, Parker and Maisie playing!

The "hottie" on the right is about 4 weeks younger than Parker! Maisie and her momma are just beautiful!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Snow.... Snow.... and More Snow -- Welcome 2010

So....we are in Ohio safe and sound and FREEZING!

It snowed a lot on the drive up and this is what we woke up too!

And its STILL SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!