Monday, November 30, 2009

The Good - Bad List 2009

This is an annual tradition that has been ongoing since 1974.  WOW!!! Thats quite a feat grandpa!!

Every year the grandkids put in their picture or "theme" request and Grandpa Jim makes it happen.
For 2009 Delainey asked for a Pug, Madison asked for an elaborate scene with Santa, soccer and Tennis, and since Parker was born in 2009 when the Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup and the Pittsburgh Steelers won the Superbowl it was only fitting to have those logos on his Good Bad list. Grandpa also incorporated the Pirate "P" in there in his name!

For all of December we get to keep track of all the "goods" and "bads" for Santa!!

I'll take some pictures of Delainey's good bad lists of years past to showcase them, they are SOOOO neat!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family Fun

Before Grandma & Grandpa left back to Ohio we managed to make a few batches of Friendship Tea and Christmas cookies as well as take a few pictures of everyone hangin' out!

Delainey and Grandpa Jim

PJ and his dad

The first Christmas Tree up in our house -
We painted Delainey's toy box to match her furniture and her and Grandma Pat put up her tree!

Delainey and Grandma Pat making cookies

The finished product!

Fall weather in November

While PJs parents were in town - we couldn't believe how nice the weather was!

The sun was shining and we were standing outside on the upstairs deck waiting for furniture to be delivered --- WITHOUT JACKETS --

Flowers in our front yard -
yes I know, they are overgrown and need trimming!

The view from the upstairs deck!

Happy Baby!!

Lucy lovin' the sunshine!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Lights - Opryland Hotel style

Since family was in town we headed out to brave the crowds and view the lights at Opryland Hotel here in Nashville.

Delainey and Parker

Delainey 'posin'

Parkers first experience of a Christmas Tree - this one is HUGE!

Outdoor Nativity Scene at Gaylord Opryland

Tree made up of all lights

Inside the hotel - all lit up!

The Harrison's -
we didn't get all dressed up for the occasion! Oops!

Delainey's Room Makeover - The Finished Product

Its finally done!!!

We got the furniture delivered, put in place, and the room all cleaned for Delainey's grand entrance!!!

I was honestly probably more excited than she was, but oh well!

Here is the bed, nightstand and a little bit of the dresser - she's also got a chair to lounge in, and her horses all around her!

This is the dresser/mirror and media stand for when she gets a tv in her room again!

The pictures truly don't do it justice! Its very pretty!
We told her this would be her set until she graduated!

The reaction was shock i think!
She hugged us and told us thank you and that she really liked it.

Delainey's Room Makeover - Part 3

Sooo - we got her new furniture from Rooms to Go Kids. We LOVE the furniture, but are a little disappointed in the whole arrival/delivery process.

I was told that it would be here between 9a-1pm. That was fantastic. Still gave us time to hang out with the visiting grandparents and do the Opryland thing!

PJ saw a RTGK truck drive through our neighborhood at 8:15 and I was SOOO excited thinkin' "right on" they are going to be early and make our day!

Its now...... 1:30pm and I'm calling them.... "they are running behind and should be at your house by 2pm ma'am"

Now its 2:15pm and they are "still running behind, as soon as we talk to the driver we'll call you"..... NO PHONE CALL......

Its now oh 3:30pm and they FINALLY arrive..... 2 little "gentleman" hop out of the truck and I immediately think "oh my goodness; how in the heck are they going to get this furniture up my 3 flights of stairs (including the front steps)".......

Well - they rolled the boxes end-over-end up all three sets of stairs, and slid the boxes across our hardwood floors.... LOVELY!  I haven't done it yet, but they will hear from me! I'm very good at complaining! :-)

Delainey's Room Makeover - Part 2

Sooo - its Saturday morning and the painting is ALL DONE! It looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we are just waiting for the surprise to be complete - The new furniture to be delivered!! Delainey knows that she is getting a new bed, but nothing about the even bigger suprise yet to come!

Here are some pictures of the painting tranformation in process!

Grandpa wasn't happy about me taking all these pictures!

Smile Grandpa!!

See the difference in the paint colors!!!We LOVE it!

The room looks just beautiful! -
Thanks Grandpa & Daddy for spending so many hours making sure it was perfect!

Sooo, this is the room completely painted,
and the old bed moved back where it was!

Here is her AMAZING new bed!!!
It has a trundle, but we haven't gotten a mattress for that part yet!

More pictures to come once the new furniture is delivered!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Delainey's Room Makeover #2 - Part 1

Soooo, in May 2008 I wanted to surprise Delainey with a room make-over. She was really into the Hannah Montana craze at the time, so one weekend I thought it would be cool to surprise her with a new room!

I went out and got the paint and all the Hannah Montana accessories I could find and started my project (in the middle of the night, when i usually get my best burst of energy :-)).

It was really pretty, and she liked it - but informed me that she really liked horses better and would have preferred that for her bedding!
Bad Mommy!

Soooo - on Thanksgiving night, after letting Delainey pick out her new wall paint color, we started the project of re-painting..... with Grandpa's help! We figured we'd put him to work 2 Thanksgivings in a row - He painted Parker's new room last year on Thanksgiving weekend when they came to visit!

The color of choice was Chocolate Turtle...... don't worry - wait 'til you see it!

Thanksgiving 2009

Thank you for a wonderful holiday!

PJ, and I were joined by our children Delainey & Parker as well as my Mom, my Uncle Kenny, and his Mom and Dad.

Thanks for everyone being here to make it a special event!

I cooked most of the afternoon - thank goodness someone took a picture of our wonderful table!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hockey Night in Nashville

So we are pretty spoiled when it comes to going to events! We get to attend Nashville Predators games fairly often thanks to PJs work, which has season tickets in the "all you can eat, family zone". It is always so much fun and Delainey LOVES to go. It is a treat for all of us and at the right price :-).... bonus!!

This night we got different tickets from a customer that PJ helped during his work day, so he and I (and Parker) and his friend Wes & Amy sat together while Grandma Vona, Uncle Kenny & Delainey sat in the work seats.

Here are a few pictures from the evening.

This was Parkers first introduction to Nash the Predators Mascot

This is Wes (PJs friend from work) and his fiance Amy.

Mom, Parker, & Dad

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Busy, Busy Week

Helllloooo there! This has been such a busy week for us it seems like!
Parker has been fighting off a cold - NO, he does not have the flu, just a cold and teething pain/discomfort.
Speaking of Teething he has 4 NOW! Yep, four teeth!

1 week ago yesterday (Nov 7th) he started CRAWLING!! Yep, he is crawling! He pulls himself up on lots of stuff too. When he wakes up in the crib, we go in to get him and he is sitting up lookin' at us or on his knees looking over the edge! Its very cute!

Delainey lost another tooth.... and the tooth fairy blessed her with a dollar or so in change! She was very excited!

Delainey got a new haircut too! Still longer in the front, but short in the back to hopefully be easier to care for and dry when getting ready for school!

Work has been CRAZY busy for me....i'm not sure why, maybe i'm just losing my time management skills. Oh yeah - maybe its that we don't sleep all that much in the Harrison house! ha ha ha

Anyhow - All is well -
Love to all!

This picture is of a horse in my friends housing development!
Delainey LOVES horses so I put it on here for her!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fun pictures of the kids

We went out to lunch after family pictures and decided to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine!!!!

I had fun just snapping candid pictures of the kids!

Family Pictures

Soooo - we had family pictures taken..... AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These ones were planned when Parker was born actually. Joe (our photographer) took my pregnancy pictures and said he'd love to take some of Parker. We wanted to wait until he could sit up.... that was only a few mere weeks ago, so today was the day! I can not believe the weather was SO beautiful for us. It is Nov 14th and 70 stinkin' degrees outside.

How crazy is that!
Anyhow - it made for some GREAT pictures!

Thank you Joe!!!!!